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Home                                 The front page explaining why this site and who is it for
About the Author
Useful web sites
Ass hierarchy
Social media
Boat builders
Rigs and Sails
Radio control
Other suppliers
Australasian sites
Boat building
Tuning your IOM
Rule changes
Building an IOM
Introduction and cost
Acquire the plan
Build the plug
First Alternative build
Optimised Alternative build
Build the rigs
Add the sails
Weigh and check measure
The end result
Working up a Britpop
Developing the Alioth Boat 1
Developing the Alioth Boat 2
The final Alioth settings
Choosing the right rig
Measuring your settings
Sailing and IOM fast
IOM designs
Boat box, Rig Box and stand
The project
The starting point
Developing the boat and rig
My story
DF95 tuning numbers
Craigs setup guide 1
Craigs setup guide 2
Usefule videos
Ken Read tuning tips
Racing tips
Before an evetn
Whats your goal
Racing rules and tactics
Boat maintenance
Boat tuning and setup
Know your radio controls
Boat practice
Check lists and measurement
On the day
Set yourself up
Set your boat up
Sailing before the start
Getting round the course
1st windward leg
Windward mark rounding
Leeward mark
2nd windward leg
After sailing
Golden rules
Racing thought processes
Managing competitive anxiety
Putting it all together
Videos from around the world
Results and schedule
Reference books
New to radio sailing

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